最近工作情緒極度laid back,效率破記錄新低。上年末承蒙Invisible Photographer Asia之邀,替他們在Angkor Photo Festival裡的攝影集展覽部份選十本香港攝影集參展,當時縱然分身不暇,也要四處張羅書本寄出作參展用外,還要奮力撰寫各書的英文簡介,非常嘔血,現在回看實有有點嚇親,當時爆發出來的小宇宙力量實在不可講笑,真是有點「掉那媽,頂硬上」的感覺。用舊文立此存照一下,為自己點點火,打打氣。 1) finale - Karl Chiu (2005) Published by Barbeque Publications It’s hard to summarized finale, partly due to Karl Chiu’s complicated background. He was educated in Taiwan (major in sociology) and the United States (major in photography). He also worked as a photo editor for a local newspapers for years. Just like many in his generation he himself is a melting pot of the characters of different culture. finale comprises of black and white photographs taken in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, United States, and Japan. Through these journeys Karl claims he is aware but is also indifferent to the different identities of a Chinese photographer in different contexts. It is a book full of complicated mood: it’s dreamlike, dark, and mystic. At the same time it’s highly personal...
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