

顯示從 7月, 2009 起發佈的文章

"...And that's the way it is."

今天是登月四十周年,想到登月就不得不提已故美國總統甘迺迪,再從而想到剛不久作故的CBS資深新聞報導員克朗凱特Walter Cronkite(1916-2009),克朗凱特叫美國人懷念不單是「美國最信任的人」的稱謂,或越戰時間在越南採訪後已認定美國越戰「無運行」,或他那句新聞結束前的招牌結尾語:"...And that's the way it is.",而是甘迺迪遇刺的新聞差不多跟他畫上等號,看他當時的突發報導是不少美國人的集體回憶,尤其在他接到美聯社傳來官方死訊後報讀時,努力仰壓著自己情緒,把工作做好,絕不「事事旦旦」,忍不住要在這裡貼出來:such a class act。


今回聽聽老歌,鄧麗君的《任由時光流逝》(嚴格來說應是「任由時光在身邊流逝」)就是後來改編成中文的《我只在乎你》,那個年頭小鄧在日本最紅,當年連唱片大賞也拿了,不懂日文不要緊,慎芝改編的 中文歌詞 足以捕捉原曲九成意思,非常厲害,唯獨歌名不及《任由時光流逝》那麼叫人唏噓。 為Cultazine 撰文 時忽然想起這厥歌,大概因為攝影其中一大部份就是叫我們去領略時光流逝的唏噓罷。

"digital document"

Q. Nowadays everyone is a photographer it seems and newspapers are encouraging the public to send in their on-the-spot photos for publication. What, then, is the future of photography? Will there be professional photographers in 10 or 20 years? If so, how competitive will the field be and how would you recommend someone get his foot in the door? — Bruce Wood A. Mr. Wood: Your question is important and of the moment. As I view the images coming from Iran that are being posted all over, I am reminded and indeed pained by the fact that a skilled visual journalist has not recorded many of these events. This situation in the hands of a truth-seeking photojournalist could be extremely powerful, and not a mere “digital document.” 曾任紐約時報的攝影部主管,現為Assistant Managing Editor的Michele McNally在報紙網站一個 讀者問答環節 如是說,問和答的內容都不失深度,對新聞攝影議題有興趣的話可以一讀。

《Photocritic International》

我鍾愛的美國攝影評論家高爾曼A. D. Coleman沉寂了好些時間,現在終於有自己的博了!高爾曼是當年美國第一個專職的攝影評論人(在紐約時報撰筆),估不到在互聯網年代他卻走得最慢。《 Photocritic International 》與其說是博,不如說是他未來出版的預告,每篇都洋洋幾千字呢!