曾經在另一個博客《攝人絮語》裡貼過關於著名爵士樂家Dave Brubeck寫了一首向已故攝影師安塞‧阿當斯Ansel Adams致敬的管絃樂曲,最近發現更令我意想不到是,有位法國的創作歌手Vincent Delerm竟然作了首歌曲叫《Martin Parr》!
Ice-cream resort
Martin Parr
Eighties, England
Martin Parr
Belly white to air
Martin Parr
Swim somewhere
New Brighton, cashier
Martin Parr
Caddy pack of beer
Martin Parr
Plastic in the sea
Martin Parr
Shed hand
Desert casino
Martin Parr
Fluorescent green, dessert
Martin Parr
Blue hair, grandmother
Martin Parr
Aging somewhere
Diesel or super
Martin Parr
Children in rear
Martin Parr
Evil on earth in the heart
Martin Parr
Sleeping somewhere
Ice-cream resort
Martin Parr
Eighties, England
Martin Parr
Belly white to air
Martin Parr
Swim somewhere
New Brighton, cashier
Martin Parr
Caddy pack of beer
Martin Parr
Plastic in the sea
Martin Parr
Shed hand
Desert casino
Martin Parr
Fluorescent green, dessert
Martin Parr
Blue hair, grandmother
Martin Parr
Aging somewhere
Diesel or super
Martin Parr
Children in rear
Martin Parr
Evil on earth in the heart
Martin Parr
Sleeping somewhere